Digital and sustainable acoustics

We design the acoustics of the future

We are shaping the acoustics of the future - with innovative digital approaches and an ongoing commitment to sustainability. Our vision is to make tomorrow's acoustics human-centered and sustainable using today’s digital research approaches.

We see ourselves as supporters of the economy with the aim of developing innovative, sustainable products and generating a technological and knowledge advantage in your company.

From developing acoustically effective materials through performing measurements in our test facilities to optimizing and evaluating rooms using a digital twin, there are no limits to our research topics.

What can we do for you? Find out about our range of services now or send us an e-mail.

The Working Group’s core expertise


Sound absorbers

Have you ever thought about why it doesn't have to sound like a cathedral in your offices? Sound absorbers are used for this, which have a positive impact on room acoustics. We develop sustainable sound-absorbing components and materials.


Acoustics in schools and sports halls

Remember the hubbub of voices in the classroom and the exuberant cheering and stamping of feet in the gym? Our experts conduct research on noise in teaching and learning spaces and work on new forward-looking acoustic solutions.


High-performance sound absorbers

Lively hubbub of voices, permanent hissing, rustling, murmuring, loud crashing and resounding - the chaos of noise is a constant and powerful companion. We use our effective high-performance sound absorbers to restore order to your tangle of sounds!


Room acoustics

Room acoustics is more than just the sound we hear - it influences our mood, affects our performance and well-being, and shapes our perception. We spend much of our lives indoors - so it pays to listen closely!


Customized acoustics

What does a room sound like that has optimal acoustics? There are many answers to this because each room was built with a specific purpose in mind. So designing the acoustics each time is also an art in itself. But no room is too special for our acoustic solutions!


Acoustics in open-plan offices

Are you faced with the question of how to design open-plan offices with high user satisfaction as a company? Multi-person offices have become a major trend in modern office design. We can help you to design the acoustics of these shared office spaces!

Current overview of services


Room acoustics simulation and auralization

Are you dissatisfied with the acoustics in your rooms? To achieve optimal room acoustics, the ratio between absorber and volume as well as the distribution of sound in the room must be considered. Via calculations, we can find the most effective solution for you!


Validation by measurement

How should your room be acoustically best equipped for its purpose? How can the acoustic quality of your product be optimized? Our experts can measure and calculate this on the basis of physical characteristics and show you any necessary improvements.


Software tools available from the Department of Acoustics

With our software tools, you can take an active part! Determine the reverberation time in your rectangular rooms, the acoustics of your work environments, and home office benefits. You can also calculate potential savings through acoustic measures.