Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP
Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP
Press | Media
Events | trade fairs
About us
About us
Profile of Institute
Advisory Board
Mission Vision
Scientific practice
Networks and Cooperations
Boards and committees
National and international cooperation
Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bau
High Performance Center Mass Personalization
Sustainability Stress Test
Data science enhanced life cycle assessment
Assessing ecological aspects
Understanding users and their needs: making goods/services more attractive through personalization
Noise control through AI
Lighting & Mass Personalization
Research partners and memberships
Gips Schüle Foundation
Fraunhofer Alliances, Groups and Clusters of Excellence
Office Initiative
Acoustic urban design
Five star acoustics
Areas of expertise
Areas of expertise
Building acoustics
Standardized laboratory measurements
Special measuring methods
Development of acoustic building components
Public and Industrial Research in Building Acoustics
Planning structural noise protection measures
Sound immission protection and urban acoustics
Digital and sustainable acoustics
Sound absorbers
Simulation and auralization of room acoustics
Shared offices
Schools and sports halls
Customized acoustics
Validation through measurements
Room acoustics
Sound absorbers
Sustainable acoustic optimization
Noise Control and Vehicle Acoustics
Technical equipment and devices
Flow noise and flow dynamics
Acoustic test rooms
Silencers and sound absorbers
Vehicle acoustics
Low-noise air purification system
Smart end-of-line tests
Aeroacoustic tests
Sustainable acoustics
Building aeroacoustics
Human-Centered Acoustic Design and User Research
Design Thinking Science
Workplace change management
Prototyping, user testing, and sound design
Cognitive Ergonomics and Psychoacoustics
User research
Trend analysis
Healthy sleep
Musical and Photo Acoustics
Musical acoustics
Photo acoustics
Energy Efficiency and Indoor Climate
Buildings – Districts – Cities
High-performance building concepts
Highly efficient retrofitting concepts
Innovative concepts for urban districts
Energy-efficient cities and municipal climate protection
Studies and accompanying research
Evaluation and Demonstration
Developing Future Technologies
Technical Mock-ups
Evaluation of façades and building envelopes
Transient building and system simulation
Evaluating demonstration projects through measurements
Evaluating new products and system solutions
Thermal Comfort, Models and Simulation
Indoor Climate Systems
Systems integration
Indoor Environment Simulation Suite (IESS)
Lighting Technology and Passive Solar Systems
Lighting solutions
Software and evaluation methods
Effect of light on humans
Consulting, knowledge transfer and special reports
Technology development
Putting light to the test
Vehicle Climate Control Systems
Flight Test Facility
Indoor Air Test Center (IATC)
Lining and Insulation Test Environment (LITE)
Design Tools
Development of Design Tools
Life Cycle Engineering
Energy and Mobility
Renewable energy and storage concepts
Mobility and drive concepts
Resource efficiency and scenarios
Alternative fuels
Materials and Product Systems
Land use and biodiversity
Plastics and composite materials
Chemistry and biotechnology
Recycling processes and recovery of raw materials
Printed electronics and the Internet of Things (IoT)
Sustainable Construction
Sustainable city/urban quarter development
Assessment and certification of sustainable buildings
Integral assessment of building products
Sustainable concepts and strategies
Sustainable Aviation
eco DESIGN for sustainable aircraft concepts
Lightweight construction in aviation
Aviation database
Alternative fuels
Applied Methods
Analysis with Life Cycle Engineering
Life Cycle Assessment
Life Cycle Costing
Social aspects
Sustainability assessment
Environmentally compatible product development
Environmental Product Declarations
Material and Substance Flow Analysis
characterization factors
Online-Software GENERIS
Life Cycle Assessment of food
Data-Science enhanced Product Stewardship
The Sustainability Data Science Life Cycle (S-DSLC)
Sustainable Finance
review of life cycle assessments
LCA databases
Hygrothermics: Moisture and thermal control
Materials and system testing
Moisture related properties
Thermal and radiation properties
Climate simulation and field studies
Field studies and climate assessment
Climate simulation
Technical drying
System analyses
Component simulation
Hygrothermal building simulation
Renovation and preservation of historical buildings and monuments
Urban Physics Modelling
Decision support for urban planning
Market implementation
Product development and optimization in hygrothermics
Products tailored to different climates and applications
Current research topics
Durable green roofing
Using heating systems to cool rooms
Urban design adapted to climate change
Component simulation
Inorganic Materials and Recycling
Building materials
Inorganic raw materials and material cycles
Testing and analysis
Processing raw materials
Sustainable binders
Environment, Hygiene and Sensor Technology
Sensor systems
Odor analysis
Odor dosing systems
CAQ Trolley
Filter test bench
Vehicle components (interior & exterior)
Indoor air quality
Building products
Vehicle propulsion systems
Vehicle interiors
Test bench with emission test cells
Materials and damage arising in building processes
On-site assessment
Failure analysis
Ecology and microbiology
Resistance to growth and sustainability of microorganisms
Environmental impact of materials
Greening buildings and urban surfaces
Ecophysiology of microorganisms relevant to building components
Mold test facility
Biogas plant
Trace analysis
Ground and materials
Combustion and environmental technology
Pyrolysis and combustion technologies
Cogeneration / combined heat and power plants (CHP)
Measuring, control and monitoring technology
Exhaust gas treatment and air pollution control
Heat management and heat storage technologies
Immission control and technical air pollution control
Indoor air quality
Air quality inside buildings
Vehicle Indoor Air Quality
Air quality in aircraft cabin
Business Units | Products
Business Units | Products
Product Developments at Fraunhofer IBP
glass foam
Acoustic Elements
Chilled water wall
FastDry Technologies™
Cultural Heritage Research
Weather Data
Interiors optimized with the user in mind
Digitization / BIM
Sustainability and ESG
Materials and building materials
Urban design adapted to climate change and biodiversity
Measuring | testing facilities
Projects | References
Press | Media
Press | Media
Press releases
Short News
Press photos
Photos: institute buildings
Photos: Acoustics
Photos: Energy Efficiency and Indoor Climate
Photos: Hygrothermics
Photos: Inorganic Materials and Recycling
Photos: Environment, Hygiene and Sensor Technology
Information material
Highlight Topics
Contributions to conferences
Public reports
Scientific Lectures
Scientific Publications
Publications 2018
Publications 2019
Publications 2020
Publications 2021
Publications 2022
Publications 2023
Publications 2024
IBP Reports
White Paper
White Paper
White Paper
White Paper
White Paper
Research in focus
Food waste
Uniqueness and diversity
Label for more transparency
Disruptive external influences in the office environment
Energizing message
Reality check
Nothing but hot air
The sun shines every day
Where am I?
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About us
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Profile of Institute
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Advisory Board
Mission Vision
Scientific practice
Networks and Cooperations
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Boards and committees
National and international cooperation
Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bau
High Performance Center Mass Personalization
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Sustainability Stress Test
Data science enhanced life cycle assessment
Assessing ecological aspects
Understanding users and their needs: making goods/services more attractive through personalization
Noise control through AI
Lighting & Mass Personalization
Research partners and memberships
Gips Schüle Foundation
Fraunhofer Alliances, Groups and Clusters of Excellence
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Office Initiative
Acoustic urban design
Five star acoustics
CIRCONOMY<sup>®</sup> Hub
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Areas of expertise
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Building acoustics
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Standardized laboratory measurements
Special measuring methods
Development of acoustic building components
Public and Industrial Research in Building Acoustics
Planning structural noise protection measures
Sound immission protection and urban acoustics
Digital and sustainable acoustics
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Sound absorbers
Simulation and auralization of room acoustics
Shared offices
Schools and sports halls
Customized acoustics
Validation through measurements
Room acoustics
Sound absorbers
Sustainable acoustic optimization
Noise Control and Vehicle Acoustics
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Technical equipment and devices
Flow noise and flow dynamics
Acoustic test rooms
Silencers and sound absorbers
Vehicle acoustics
Low-noise air purification system
Smart end-of-line tests
Aeroacoustic tests
Sustainable acoustics
Building aeroacoustics
Heat pump acoustics
Human-Centered Acoustic Design and User Research
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Design Thinking Science
Workplace change management
Prototyping, user testing, and sound design
Cognitive Ergonomics and Psychoacoustics
User research
Trend analysis
Healthy sleep
Musical and Photo Acoustics
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Musical acoustics
Photo acoustics
Energy Efficiency and Indoor Climate
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Buildings – Districts – Cities
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High-performance building concepts
Highly efficient retrofitting concepts
Innovative concepts for urban districts
Energy-efficient cities and municipal climate protection
Studies and accompanying research
Evaluation and Demonstration
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Developing Future Technologies
Technical Mock-ups
Evaluation of façades and building envelopes
Transient building and system simulation
Evaluating demonstration projects through measurements
Evaluating new products and system solutions
Thermal Comfort, Models and Simulation
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Indoor Climate Systems
Systems integration
Indoor Environment Simulation Suite (IESS)
Lighting Technology and Passive Solar Systems
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Lighting solutions
Software and evaluation methods
Effect of light on humans
Consulting, knowledge transfer and special reports
Technology development
Putting light to the test
Vehicle Climate Control Systems
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Flight Test Facility
Indoor Air Test Center (IATC)
Lining and Insulation Test Environment (LITE)
Design Tools
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Development of Design Tools
Life Cycle Engineering
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Energy and Mobility
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Renewable energy and storage concepts
Mobility and drive concepts
Resource efficiency and scenarios
Alternative fuels
Materials and Product Systems
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Land use and biodiversity
Plastics and composite materials
Chemistry and biotechnology
Recycling processes and recovery of raw materials
Printed electronics and the Internet of Things (IoT)
Sustainable Construction
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Sustainable city/urban quarter development
Assessment and certification of sustainable buildings
Integral assessment of building products
Sustainable concepts and strategies
Sustainable Aviation
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eco DESIGN for sustainable aircraft concepts
Lightweight construction in aviation
Aviation database
Alternative fuels
Applied Methods
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Analysis with Life Cycle Engineering
Life Cycle Assessment
Life Cycle Costing
Social aspects
Sustainability assessment
Environmentally compatible product development
Environmental Product Declarations
Material and Substance Flow Analysis
LANCA<sup>®</sup> characterization factors
Online-Software GENERIS<sup>®</sup>
Life Cycle Assessment of food
Data-Science enhanced Product Stewardship
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The Sustainability Data Science Life Cycle (S-DSLC)
Sustainable Finance
review of life cycle assessments
LCA databases
Hygrothermics: Moisture and thermal control
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Materials and system testing
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Moisture related properties
Thermal and radiation properties
Climate simulation and field studies
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Field studies and climate assessment
Climate simulation
Technical drying
System analyses
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Component simulation
Hygrothermal building simulation
Renovation and preservation of historical buildings and monuments
Urban Physics Modelling
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Mesoscale models
Microscale analysis
Decision support for urban planning
Market implementation
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Product development and optimization in hygrothermics
Products tailored to different climates and applications
25 years of WUFI<sup>®</sup>
Current research topics
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Durable green roofing
Using heating systems to cool rooms
Urban design adapted to climate change
Component simulation
Inorganic Materials and Recycling
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Building materials
Inorganic raw materials and material cycles
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Building rubble
Ashes and Slags
Recycling gypsum
Masonry rubble
Refractory materials
Testing and analysis
Processing raw materials
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Electrodynamic fragmentation
Mechanical processing
Chemical-physical processing
Sustainable binders
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Calcined clays
Cement hydration
Reactivity of cement substitutes
Clay mineralogy
Environment, Hygiene and Sensor Technology
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Sensor systems
Odor analysis
Odor dosing systems
CAQ Trolley
Filter test bench
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Vehicle components (interior & exterior)
Indoor air quality
Building products
Vehicle propulsion systems
Vehicle interiors
Test bench with emission test cells
Materials and damage arising in building processes
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On-site assessment
Failure analysis
Ecology and microbiology
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Resistance to growth and sustainability of microorganisms
Environmental impact of materials
Greening buildings and urban surfaces
Ecophysiology of microorganisms relevant to building components
Mold test facility
Biogas plant
Trace analysis
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Ground and materials
Combustion and environmental technology
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Pyrolysis and combustion technologies
Cogeneration / combined heat and power plants (CHP)
Measuring, control and monitoring technology
Exhaust gas treatment and air pollution control
Heat management and heat storage technologies
Immission control and technical air pollution control
Indoor air quality
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Air quality inside buildings
Vehicle Indoor Air Quality
Air quality in aircraft cabin
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Business Units | Products
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Product Developments at Fraunhofer IBP
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glass foam
Acoustic Elements
Chilled water wall
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FastDry Technologies™
Cultural Heritage Research
Weather Data
Interiors optimized with the user in mind
Digitization / BIM
Sustainability and ESG
Materials and building materials
Urban design adapted to climate change and biodiversity
Measuring | testing facilities
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Projects | References
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Residential construction
Clean Sky
The Efficiency House Plus
IEA Annex 58
IT-Toolkit India
Demand-oriented lighting
Living Lab Wuppertal
Lilienhof Munich
SEE - Stuttgart Energy Efficiency
Wind-powered heating 2.0: long-term storage
Sports and Swimming halls
Building Physics of Urban Areas
The Sound of E-Mobility
EnEAS - Energy Efficiency
Design of Organ Pipes
Photoacoustic Sensors
Inflatable Membrane Elements
Acoustic window control
Rim as Sound Absorber
Active Vibration Insulation
Soundproofing Adhesives and Sealants
Slim Transducers
"Staubgold" - Turning Dust into Gold
Sound Insulation of Stud Walls
Wind Noise generated by Façade Elements
Wind Tunnel Measurement on an Aircraft Wing
Simulated pass-by
MAVO Polymeracoustics
Acoustic Umbrella
WAMS: Heat pumps
Cultural journey
Modular low-energy storage facility
Climatic stability in historical buildings
Building material made from cattail
External plasters through the ages
Damp buildings and thermal insulation
Climate for Culture
Capillary reverse transport capabilities
Energy-efficient renovation of half-timbered buildings
Energy-efficient ventilation
Moisture properties of internal insulation with fiber insulation materials
Flexible roof pitch
Hygrothermal component simulation
Hygrothermal reference years
IR paint
Interior insulation in historical buildings
Measure surface moisture over time
Cleanroom ceilings
Localized cooling
Numerical simulation
Textile building envelopes
Drying behavior of screed products
Drying behavior of masonry
Moisture behavior in reverse roof insulation
Typha for internal wall insulation
Foshan New City
Transparent film enclosures
Healthy living
Adjoining rooms climate models
Building quality for China
Multilayer-effect glazing for hygrothermal insulation
Testing composite thermal insulation systems
Treating wall and underfloor water damage
Drying wall, floor and ceiling structures
professional software solution for DIN V 18599
Thermal and Acoustic Comfort in the Galley/Door Area of an Aircraft
Acoustic Design of the Microstructure of Granular Sound Absorbers
Building Sound Design
Hearing Aids tested in the wind tunnel
HiPIE Laboratory
Saving Energy in Peace and Quiet
Mobile Partition Walls with Integrated Multimedia Systems
Sound-Masking Floor Lamp
Wooden Ceilings
Micro-optical building components
High-performance working environments
Cattail on the roof
Waste gases from incineration plants
Carbon Black
Biodiversity in life cycle assessments
Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt
Molecular Sorting
Biogas sensor technology
ENOB - PlusEnergy-Depot
POMPEJI Arch&Lab: Restoration archive and exhibition laboratory
Cultural heritage conservation in Petra
Learning from the past
Saving energy with effective sound insulation
Calculating renovation costs
Sustainable plant protection
Urban Climate Under Change
Optimizing sound absorbers
Fresh aircraft - facts
"Effizienzhaus Plus"
Healthy Air Initiative
HCL-Con, Human Centric Lighting Control
Full spectrum LEDs
Good acoustics in schools and daycare centers
Acoustics in courtyards
Tourism and Noise
ECBCS Annex 49
EBC Annex 64
ECBCS Annex 37
“Clean Air Acoustics”
Measuring and testing facility goniophotometer
Task 50
Daylight façade planning
Energy efficiency of lighting systems
Asphalt test rig
Noise emissions from drone taxis
Processing masonry rubble
Strategies to combat the coronavirus
VR MultiSense
Face masks impair speech intelligibility
How efficiently do air purification technologies eliminate viruses from the air?
Expertise for sustainable innovation
C3RRO - Technology spin-off
Hygrothermal behavior of window/wall interfaces
Blinds between window panes
Laboratory weathering tests on special laminated glass
Passive house certification in the USA
Shanghai 5D City Digital Model
Rapid weathering facility for assessing the risk of mold growth on exterior coatings
Comparison of methods for renovating wooden beam ends
A comparison of wall heating systems
Simulation of mechanical turbulence
Release of root penetration inhibitors
Assessment of green roofing structures
Circonomy <sup>®</sup>
Morgenstadt Global Smart Cities
Energy-efficient schools
Ways to achieve the Efficiency House Plus standard
Research on Energy Efficient Cities
School of the Future
Aircraft sidewall designs
Environmentally-friendly cargo fire extinguishing agents
Cabin comfort in business jets
Subject tests in the Flight Test Facility (FTF)
Loud vehicles and quiet tires
Oldenburg on the path to climate neutrality
Acoustics for rooms in historical buildings
Carbon-neutral noise control structures
Environmental properties of common plasters and mortars
Annex 46 - IT-Toolkit
Efficiency House Plus in Cologne-Frechen
Efficiency House Plus Berlin
Kunsthalle Mannheim
PlusEnergy children’s daycare center
Acoustically-designed building façades
Clean air in quiet rooms
C² in CO<sub>²</sub>
Standing up to climate change
Mobile air purifiers in classrooms
Recycling inorganic composite materials
Carbon-neutral energy supply
Acoustic properties of modern thermal glazing
Building material made of cattail and geopolymer
New replacement building at Ulm University of Applied Sciences
Historical Archive in Cologne
Monitoring Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt
Research project “In situ verification”
Circonomy<sup>®</sup> Hubs
Preventing damage to cultural assets in times of climate change
Collaborative project "Herzo Opt"
Project CycloPlasma
Fungal adhesive
Climate-Adapted Architectural Heritage
Psychoacoustic mapping
UV virus protection glass
ACCE 2024
Pollutants in precipitation runoff from non-metal roofs
Sound Controlled Ventilation
Brushed acoustic panels
Privacy at office workplaces
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Press | Media
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Press releases
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»Primordial Cities Initiative«
Recycling from carpet waste
Protective canopy
Fungus as a sound absorber
Innovative grilling technique improves air quality
Carbon black
25 years of WUFI
Using heating to cool rooms
Projekt AVATOR
Bamboo’s response to moisture
Projekt AVATOR
Innovative and energy-efficient facade renovation
Climate-friendly investments
Packaging systems
“Building the Future”
Programmable materials
Urban planning for climate change
Mathematical model
Aviation safety
Wooden structures
Press releases
Press releases
Fraunhofer IBP at BAU 2025
Flagship project BAU-DNS
Short News
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CoNZEBs brochure
Professorship for Building Physics
Fraunhofer Project Center
Primordial Cities
BIM2FM Collaboration Group
Crowdfunding campaign
COVID-19 prevention
Network Hydrogen
face masks
Aerosols Expert Group
CO2 Environmental Calculator
Research program aerosols
Professorship for Preventive Conservation of Historical Monuments
EnergInno Brazil 2022
ORIENTING Final Conference
Press photos
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Photos: institute buildings
Photos: Acoustics
Photos: Energy Efficiency and Indoor Climate
Photos: Hygrothermics
Photos: Inorganic Materials and Recycling
Photos: Environment, Hygiene and Sensor Technology
Information material
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Highlight Topics
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Contributions to conferences
Public reports
Scientific Lectures
Scientific Publications
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Publications 2018
Publications 2019
Publications 2020
Publications 2021
Publications 2022
Publications 2023
Publications 2024
IBP Reports
White Paper
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White Paper
White Paper
White Paper
White Paper
Research in focus
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Food waste
Uniqueness and diversity
Label for more transparency
Disruptive external influences in the office environment
Energizing message
Reality check
Nothing but hot air
The sun shines every day
Events | trade fairs
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Heating and Chimney Systems
Building Acoustics
Hygric properties and inorganic materials
Emission, environment and hygiene
Thermal Characteristics
VOC concentration indoors
Substance release from construction materials
Odor emissions
Microbial growth development
Thermal analysis
Thermomechanical analysis
Fourier spectrometer
Thermal conductivity hot plate apparatus
Test facility for impermeability
Test facility for impermeability
Thermal resistance and thermal transmittance
Big climate simulator
Three-chamber climate simulator
Water tightness against driving rain
Climate chambers and climate cabinets
Thermal conductivity pipe insulation
Calculation of thermal parameters
Heat dissipation floors
Solar heat gain coefficient
Material and component characteristics
Emission coefficient
Solar simulator
Existing glazings
Artificial ageing
IR laboratory
Water vapor transmission properties
Water absorption
Drying curve
Moisture distribution
capillary activity
Tensile strength
Air-conditioned test hall
Driving rain impact
Dew water on the surface
Accelerated test
Flat and pitched roof
Sound insulation façade test laboratory
Impedance tube
Window test laboratory
Sound insulation door test laboratory
Sound insulation wall test laboratory
Sound absorption reverberation room
Flanking sound transmission cavity and raised floors
Sound insulation room-high elements
Sound insulation wall test laboratory
Noise of water installations
Impact sound insulation floor coverings
Noise water taps supply valves
Massive noise water installations
Flanking sound transmission suspended ceilings
Impact sound and impact sound insulation of floors and floor coverings
Rain noise
Flanking sound transmission ventilation ducts and shafts
Sound insulation
Flanking sound transmission wall constructions
Sound power reverberation room
Sound power anechoic chamber
Sound power wind tunnel
Dynamic stiffness
Acoustic camera
Vibration analysis
Elastic modulus
Sound pressure level semi-anechoic chamber
Sound propagation semi-anechoic chamber
Hearing threshold laboratory
All-wheel drive chassis dynamometer
Silencer testing facility
Airflow resistance
Climate simulator for large and heavy components
Sound power semi-anechoic chamber
Accredited certification body
Approved Test Laboratories