IEA SHC Task 50

»Advanced Lighting Solutions for Retrofitting Buildings«

Subtask of the joint project “Energetic and ergonomic optimization of new lighting systems for renovated and new buildings”

Aim of IEA-SHC Task 50, led by Fraunhofer IBP: The International Energy Agency’s program “Advanced Lighting Solutions for Retrofitting Buildings” aims at supporting the retrofitting of lighting systems (daylight technology, electric lighting and lighting management) in non-residential buildings using innovative but practical approaches that can be applied to a wide range of buildings.

The work was coordinated in four subtasks: Subtask A: Market and Policies, Subtask B: Daylighting and Electric Lighting Solutions, Subtask C: Methods and Tools and Subtask D: Case Studies. There was also a joint working group responsible for networking activities and results.


Within the framework of the IEA SHC project Task 50, a large number of reports and publications were issued. Among other things, the following results were obtained: Report on the market situation in the field of retrofitting lighting systems, handbook (sourcebook) on technologies for retrofitting daylighting and artificial lighting systems and documentation of prior completed projects and case studies on retrofitting lighting systems. With the “Lighting Retrofit Adviser”, Fraunhofer IBP has developed an electronic, interactive sourcebook with tips and recommendations, decision-making instruments and planning tools for retrofitting lighting systems. In the twenty case studies examined in detail, lighting energy requirements were cut by approximately 50%.

More Information

IEA SHC Task 50 Internet platform ->

The project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), Funding code: 03ET1148A

© IEA SHC Task 50, Technical Report B6
Overview of technologies for retrofitting daylighting and artificial lighting systems. (Taken from DAYLIGHTING AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING RETROFIT SOLUTIONS, A SOURCE BOOK OF IEA SHC TASK 50 ‘ADVANCED LIGHTING FOR RETROFITTING BUILDINGS’; Summary by Martine Knoop, Sketches by Patrick Prella)
Task-50 Casestudies
© IEA SHC Task 50, Technical Report D5
Overview of completed projects and case studies. (Taken from “Lessons learned from monitoring lighting and daylighting in retrofit projects, T50.D5, A Technical Report of IEA SHC Task 50”; Summary and photographs by the authors)
Lighting Retrofit Adivser
© Fraunhofer IBP
Start interface of the interactive “Lighting Retrofit Adviser” sourcebook.