In many of our research projects which involve testing and developing building materials, our researchers also study the flow properties of materials - especially in their fresh, i.e. flowable, state. Particularly when different types of fibers are added to increase tensile strength, the flow properties of a material during processing are directly affected.
In an internal project, for example, we carried out in-depth studies on the impact of steel fibers on the consistency of fresh concrete. The simulation of the process of filling a formwork with steel fiber-reinforced concretes gave rise to a corresponding simulation tool for designing structural components made from this material.
In our building materials laboratory, we can also investigate the effect of a wide variety of admixtures and additives (as well as adjustments to the grading curve) on flow behavior in the course of optimizing formulations, e.g. using viscometers for concrete and cement paste. Conventional methods for evaluating consistency, such as determining the spread flow or slump or the J-ring test for determining the passability of self-compacting concretes, round off our skills in determining the rheology and processability of building materials in a flowable state. Get in touch with us– we are more than happy to be of assistance!