Projects and References

New projects at a glance

Here we list the newly added projects.


Sustainable acoustic and visual privacy at office workplaces

Acoustic and visual privacy are being examined in a study with test subjects as part of a multimodal approach (interaction of the senses), and a corresponding metric is being developed. A large-scale online survey of office employees is being conducted to collect data.



In the GreenAcoustics project we develop a digital tool that takes a more comprehensive approach and implement it as a prototype. The result makes it possible to directly compare design and acoustic aspects as well as the environmental impact. This allows more informed decisions to be made and enables the implementation of room acoustic measures to be optimized in all respects.



In the project, the three research institutes Fraunhofer ISE, Fraunhofer IBP and Fraunhofer IWU are working on methods to improve heat pumps with regard to vibrations and noise. The resulting methods allow structural-dynamic and acoustic aspects to be taken into account at an early stage in the development of heat pumps, so that low-noise operation can be achieved in a real operating environment.   


Acoustically optimized design of fan attachments and casings

In the project “Acoustically optimized design of fan attachments and casings (ADVentAGe)”, hybrid active noise control systems are being developed and validated. The systems can be integrated into fan casings or typical fan attachments such as inlet nozzles, protective grilles and diffusers in order to significantly reduce acoustic emissions from fans.

All projects at a glance

Here we list our current as well as successfully completed research and industrial projects.

  • Acoustic properties of modern thermal glazing
    © Fraunhofer IBP

    Comparison of the thermal insulation and sound insulation properties of thermal glazing.

    Although modern thermal glazing reduces a building’s energy requirements, it also has an impact on sound insulation.

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  • Logo of the joint project BUOLUS.
    © Fraunhofer IBP

    Logo of the joint project BUOLUS.

    Municipalities are faced with the challenge of adapting to climate change. On the one hand, they have to choose effective and sustainable measures, and on the other hand, they have to take into account the interests of residents and act under cost pressure. Key areas where cities need to take action include structural and spatial design and urban use of land. More about this in the Buolus project.

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  • View into the SynergySpace at Fraunhofer IBP
    © Fraunhofer IBP

    Sustainable acoustic and visual privacy at office workplaces.

    At present, there is a high vacancy rate in office buildings due to people working remotely. This is a major economic and ecological problem: air-conditioned, illuminated office space stands empty while people work from home in less energy-efficient living spaces. For offices to be used, they must offer employees clear advantages. The classic multi-space concept, an open-plan office with various workplace modules, still leaves a lot to be desired, especially when it comes to privacy.

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  • Acoustic panels are used to improve the acoustics in rooms with a high proportion of sound-reflecting surfaces. To make them look more attractive, the surface of these panels is covered with a slotted or micro-perforated wooden veneer. This regular surface design narrows the width of the absorption spectrum and impairs the high-quality, natural impression of the wood surface. In the present project, this technical problem is solved by a novel brushing process that opens the wood veneer along the grain, creating irregular holes.

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  • In the GreenAcoustics project, a digital tool that takes a more comprehensive approach is to be designed and implemented as a prototype. The tool will be based on Fraunhofer IBP's existing reverberate technology, which uses not only the usual acoustic parameters, but also the shape of the room and the uneven distribution of absorbers in the room to calculate the reverberation time.

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  • In the “Bassorber” project, a comprehensive calculation tool developed at IBP is used to accelerate and optimize the development of absorbers. The tool not only allows the absorption coefficients of almost all absorber structures to be optimized, but also the interaction between the absorbers.

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  • In the Digital Room Acoustics Planning (DIGAKUST) project, a software solution is being developed that automatically calculates relevant key acoustic figures and makes them audible in a simulation environment in real time by transferring technical room parameters (e.g. size of the room, position of objects in the room, material properties of the surfaces). The aim is to provide users with an easy-to-use tool that captures interiors in great detail, automatically assigns object properties, allows the geometry of the room to be individually configured via an intuitive user interface, and makes it possible to experience the resulting changes in room acoustics in real time. Thus, the impact of structural or design changes on the overall acoustics becomes immediately apparent.

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  • View into an operating room
    © Shutterstock / nimon

    The project aims at developing a demonstrator that can be used in operating rooms

    Propofol, an intravenously administered hypnotic, has outstanding advantages over commonly used inhalational anesthetics. It is effective against post-operative nausea, does not trigger malignant hyperthermia - a potentially fatal anesthesia complication - and is not a greenhouse gas. The main disadvantage of propofol, however, is that, unlike inhalational anesthetics, its drug concentration cannot be determined during anesthesia using any clinically applicable method. Photoacoustic spectroscopy is a highly promising approach for monitoring propofol in exhaled air in a clinically applicable way.

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  • Ventilation system with fan
    © Shutterstock / PhotoHouse

    The project aims at reducing acoustic emissions from fans.

    In the project “Acoustically optimized design of fan attachments and casings (ADVentAGe)”, hybrid active noise control systems are being developed and validated in collaboration with project partners. These can be integrated into fan casings or typical fan attachments such as inlet cones, protective grilles and diffusers to significantly reduce acoustic emissions from fans.

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  • Prototype in the Fraunhofer IBP laboratory.
    © Fraunhofer IBP

    Window with integrated prototype of the intelligent External Air Vent (EAV).

    Ventilation systems in the home must fulfill more and more requirements. In order to meet both energy and sound insulation requirements, an ever-increasing proportion of ventilation concepts have to be designed with fan-assisted systems. A fan-assisted exhaust air system in accordance with DIN 1946-6 is comparatively inexpensive and easy to install. With this system, the exhaust air is removed by fans in the rooms and replaced passively by an inflow of fresh air from external air vents (EAV). However, due to the increasingly airtight construction of new buildings, an ever-higher volume flow is needed. The high air flow means that sound insulation requirements cannot always be met. This is often particularly a problem in (inner) cities.

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