Publikationen 2019

Eine kennzeichnende Stärke des Fraunhofer IBP ist eine Vielzahl von Publikationen in unterschiedlichen Disziplinen. Das Wissen steht der Fachwelt, der Öffentlichkeit und allen Interessierten offen.

Publication Type
2019 A benchmark test model for the validation of the CFD simulations to predict the distribution of gaseous emissions in the indoor environment
Afzal, U.; Merten, C.; Aleysa, M.
Journal Article
2019 Thermal energy storage in solar power plants: A review of the materials, associated limitations, and proposed solutions
Alnaimat, Fadi; Rashid, Yasir
Journal Article
2019 Validation of UWG and ENVI-met models in an Abu Dhabi District, based on site measurements
Bande, Lindita; Afshari, Afshin; Al Masri, Dina; Jha, Mukesh; Norford, Lesslie; Tsoupos, Alexandros; Marpu, Prashanth; Pasha, Yosha; Armstrong, Peter
Journal Article
2019 A building retrofit and sensitivity analysis in an automatically calibrated model considering the urban heat island effect in Abu Dhabi, UAE
Bande, Lindita; Cabrera, Adalberto Guerra; Kim, Young Ki; Afshari, Afshin; Ragusini, Mario Favalli; Cooke, Melanie Gines
Journal Article
2019 Reducing the environmental impacts of electric vehicles and electricity supply: How hourly defined life cycle assessment and smart charging can contribute
Baumann, Michael; Salzinger, Michael; Remppis, Simon; Schober, Benjamin; Held, Michael; Graf, Roberta
Journal Article
2019 Nutz- und Endenergiebedarf für Beleuchtung (DIN V 18599-4)
Boer, Jan de
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2019 Personalized life cycle assessment - Reflecting individuality within the methodological framework
Briem, Ann-Kathrin; Betten, Thomas; Wehner, Daniel
Journal Article
2019 Environmental sustainability in the context of mass personalisation - quantification of the carbon footprint with life cycle assessment
Briem, Ann-Kathrin; Betten, Thomas; Held, Michael; Wehner, Daniel; Baumann, Michael
Journal Article
2019 Increasing resource efficiency with an engineering decision support system for comparison of product design variants
Buchert, Tom; Ko, Nathanael; Graf, Roberta; Vollmer, Thomas; Alkhayat, Moritz; Brandenburg, Elisabeth; Stark, Rainer; Klocke, Fritz; Leistner, Philip; Schleifenbaum, Johannes Henrich
Journal Article
2019 Clearing the air on EU guidance projects for school buildings
Camacho-Montano, Sandra Carolina; Wagner, Andreas; Erhorn-Kluttig, Heike; Mumovic, Dejan; Summerfield, Alex
Journal Article
2019 Rote Karte für den Lärm
Dickschen, Alexander
Journal Article
2019 Akustisches Modell zur Planung von (Betriebs-)Restaurants
Dickschen, Alexander; Späh, Moritz
Journal Article
2019 Seventy-five mosses and liverworts found frozen with the late Neolithic Tyrolean Iceman: Origins, taphonomy and the Iceman's last journey
Dickson, J.H.; Oeggl, K.D.; Kofler, W.; Hofbauer, W.; Porley, R.; Rothero, G.P.; Schmidl, A.; Heiss, A.G.
Journal Article
2019 ELEXSA. Elektrodynamische Fragmentierung von Schlacken und Aschen mit nachfolgender hydrothermaler Extraktion wirtschaftsstrategischer Rohstoffe aus den Schlacke/Asche-Feinfraktionen
Dittrich, Sebastian
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2019 BauCycle. Recycling von feinkörnigem Bauschutt
Dittrich, Sebastian
Journal Article
2019 Nutzung von funktionalen Mockups zur Absicherung von innovativen Fassaden- und Versorgungskonzepten
Eberl, Michael; Kersken, Matthias; Sinnesbichler, Herbert; Grün, Gunnar
Journal Article
2019 New national and regional bryophyte records, 59
Ellis, Leonard; Amélio, Leandro; Peralta, Denilson; Backor, Martin; Baisheva, El'vira; Bednarek-Ochyra, Halina; Burghardt, Michael; Czernyadjeva, Irina; Potemkin, Alexey; Erdag, A.; Kirmaci, Mesut; Fedosov, Vladimir; Ignatov, Michael; Koltysheva, D.; Flores, Jorge; Fuertes, Esther; Goga, Michal; Guo, Shuiliang; Hofbauer, Wolfgang; Kurzthaler, M.; et al.
Journal Article
2019 Details zur Neuausgabe der DIN V 18599 "Energetische Bewertung von Gebäuden"
Erhorn, Hans; Schiller, Heiko; Hartmann, Thomas; Jagnow, Kati; Händel, Claus; Oschatz, Bert; Boer, Jan de; Maas, Anton; Hirschberg, Rainer
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2019 C1 Bilanzierungsverfahren nach der neuen DIN V 18599 (DIN V 18599-1)
Erhorn, Hans; Jagnow, Kati
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2019 Frühzeitig die Weichen stellen
Erhorn-Kluttig, Heike; Wössner, Simon; Erhorn, Hans; Budde, Eike; Lyslow, Linda; Koutsomarkos, Konstantinos; Schrade, Johannes
Journal Article
2019 Thermische Behaglichkeit bei Temperaturübergängen
Flemming, Daniela; Eitle, Adrian; Park, Sumee
Journal Article
2019 Comparison between two genetic algorithms minimizing carbon footprint of energy and materials in a residential building
Gagnon, Richard; Gosselin, Louis; Park, Sumee; Stratbücker, Sebastian; Decker, Stéphanie Armand
Journal Article
2019 Experimentelle und rechnerische Untersuchung eines neuen Wandtrocknungssystems
Geißer, Georg; Künzel, Hartwig; Zegowitz, Andreas
Journal Article
2019 TYPHABOARD in the Restoration of Historic Black Sea Houses in Bulgaria
Georgiev, Georgi; Krus, Martin; Loretz, Carina; Theuerkorn, Werner
Journal Article
2019 Integrierte Systeme planen
Grün, Gunnar
Journal Article
2019 User requirements and case studies to evaluate the practicability and usability of the urban climate model PALM-4U
Halbig, Guido; Steuri, Bettina; Büter, Björn; Heese, Irina; Schultze, Jürgen; Stecking, Michaela; Stratbücker, Sebastian; Willen, Luise; Winkler, Matthias
Journal Article
2019 Bauphysikalische und ökologische Bewertung adaptiver Fassadenkonstruktionen auf Raumebene
Harder, Nadine; Schlegl, Friederike; Flemming, Daniela; Bari, Roberta di; Albrecht, Stefan; Leistner, Philip; Park, Sumee
Journal Article
2019 Bauphysikalische Untersuchung von Sandwichelementen
Harder, Nadine; Klett, Yves; Park, Sumee; Leistner, Philip; Middendorf, Peter
Journal Article
2019 Utilization effects on battery electric vehicle life-cycle assessment: A case-driven analysis of two commercial mobility applications
Held, Michael; Schücking, Maximilian
Journal Article
2019 Sustainability of innovative urban surfaces - a new approach of assessment
Henzler, K.; Horn, R.; Jager, M.; Maier, S.D.
Journal Article
2019 Applikationen zur Abschottung bei Arbeiten mit Schimmelpilzen
Hofbauer, Wolfgang; Rennebarth, Thorsten; Krueger, Nicole; Schwengels, Horst-Reiner
Journal Article
2019 Biofilme mit Amöben, Bakterien und Pilzen im gebauten Umfeld des Menschen
Hofbauer, Wolfgang
Journal Article
2019 Bio-inspiration as a Concept for Sustainable Constructions Illustrated on Graded Concrete
Horn, Rafael; Albrecht, Stefan; Haase, Walter; Langer, Max; Schmeer, Daniel; Sobek, Werner; Speck, Olga; Leistner, Philip
Journal Article
2019 Microstructured light guiding plate for single-sided light emission as light source for room illumination
Jakubowsky, Michael; Hubschneider, Carolin; Neyer, Andreas; Fang, Yuan; Boer, Jan de
Journal Article
2019 g-Wert Ermittlung innovativer großformatiger Membranelemente
Kersken, Matthias; Sinnesbichler, Herbert
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2019 Fundamentals for the development of impact categories for the application of LCA in space - space debris
Ko, N.; Bouslama, R.; Betten, T.; Pfeuffer, S.
Journal Article
2019 Auf die Einbaulage kommt es an
Koehler, Mark; Weber, Lutz; Brandstetter, Dieter
Journal Article
2019 Konvektiver Feuchteeintrag in Leichtbaukonstruktionen
Kölsch, Philipp; Künzel, Hartwig; Zirkelbach, Daniel
Journal Article
2019 Hygrothermal simulation of cathedral ceiling roofs with ventilated roofing tiles
Kölsch, Philipp
Journal Article
2019 Valuing biodiversity in life cycle impact assessment
Lindner, Jan Paul; Fehrenbach, Horst; Winter, Lisa; Bischoff, Mascha; Blömer, Judith; Knüpffer, Eva
Journal Article
2019 Conceptual framework for biodiversity assessments in global value chains
Maier, Stephanie; Lindner, Jan Paul; Francisco, Javier
Journal Article
2019 Semantics for assembling modular components in a scalable building performance simulation
Mitterhofer, Matthias; Schneider, Georg Ferdinand; Stratbücker, Sebastian; Steiger, Simone
Journal Article
2019 Further observations on a principal components analysis of head-related transfer functions
Mokhtari, Parham; Kato, Hiroaki; Takemoto, Hironori; Nishimura, Ryouichi; Enomoto, Seigo; Adachi, Seiji; Kitamura, Tatsuya
Journal Article
2019 Mass personalization & lighting - eine neue Welt, die es zu besiedeln gilt! - Teil 3
Neves Pimenta, Daniel
Journal Article
2019 Mass personalization & lighting - eine neue Welt, die es zu besiedeln gilt! - Teil 2
Neves Pimenta, Daniel
Journal Article
2019 Mass personalization & lighting - eine neue Welt, die es zu besiedeln gilt! - Teil 1
Neves Pimenta, Daniel
Journal Article
2019 Mass personalization & lighting - eine neue Welt, die es zu besiedeln gilt! - Teil 4
Neves Pimenta, Daniel
Journal Article
2019 Wandtrocknung neu erfunden
Pfister, Heike; Geißer, Georg; Zegowitz, Andreas; Künzel, Hartwig
Journal Article
2019 Beyond production - the relevance of user decision and behaviour in LCA
Pohl, Johanna; Suski, Paul; Haucke, Franziska; Piontek, Felix M.; Jäger, Michael
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2019 Use of energy-equivalent sound pressure levels and percentile level differences to assess the impact of speech on cognitive performance and annoyance perception
Renz, Tobias; Leistner, Philip; Liebl, Andreas
Journal Article
2019 Sound Masking in Büroumgebungen
Renz, Tobias; Leistner, Philip; Liebl, Andreas
Journal Article
2019 Rating level as a method to assess the impact of speech noise on cognitive performance and annoyance in offices
Renz, Tobias; Leistner, Philip; Liebl, Andreas
Journal Article
2019 Urban climate under change [UC]2 - A national research programme for developing a building-resolving atmospheric model for entire city regions
Scherer, Dieter; Antretter, Florian; Bender, Steffen; Cortekar, Jörg; Emeis, Stefan; Fehrenbach, Ute; Gross, Günter; Halbig, Guido; Hasse, Jens; Maronga, Björn; Raasch, Siegfried; Scherber, Katharina
Journal Article
2019 Assessment of social impacts along the value chain of automation technology components using the LCWE method
Schlegl, Friederike; Barkmeyer, Mercedes; Kaluza, Alexander; Knüpffer, Eva; Albrecht, Stefan
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2019 LCA of buildings in Germany: Proposal for a future benchmark based on existing databases
Schlegl, Friederike; Gantner, Johannes; Traunspurger, René; Albrecht, Stefan; Leistner, Philip
Journal Article
2019 Integration of LCA in the planning phases of adaptive buildings
Schlegl, Friederike; Honold, Clemens; Leistner, Sophia; Albrecht, Stefan; Roth, Daniel; Haase, Walter; Leistner, Philip; Binz, Hansgeorg; Sobek, W.
Journal Article
2019 Virtual engineering of cyber-physical automation systems: The case of control logic
Schneider, Georg; Wicaksono, Hendro; Ovtcharova, Jivka
Journal Article
2019 Knowledge-based conversion of finite state machines in manufacturing automation
Schneider, Georg Ferdinand; Peßler, Georg Ambrosius; Terkaj, Walter
Journal Article
2019 Characterizing air pores in autoclaved aerated concrete
Schober, Georg; Seifert, Severin; Dittrich, Sebastian
Journal Article
2019 Experimental evaluation of a morphing leading edge concept
Sodja, Jurij; Martinez, Marcias J.; Simpson, John; Breuker, Roeland De
Journal Article
2019 Porenbeton aus Bauschutt
Thome, Volker; Dittrich, Sebastian
Journal Article
2019 Environmental sustainability assessment from planetary boundaries perspective - A case study of an organic sheep farm in Finland
Uusitalo, Ville; Kuokkanen, Anna; Grönman, Kaisa; Ko, Nathanael; Mäkinen, Hanna; Koistinen, Katariina
Journal Article
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