Aktuelle Publikationen 2023

Eine kennzeichnende Stärke des Fraunhofer IBP ist eine Vielzahl von Publikationen in unterschiedlichen Disziplinen. Das Wissen steht der Fachwelt, der Öffentlichkeit und allen Interessierten offen.

Publication Type
2023 Optimization of urban design/retrofit scenarios using a computationally light standalone urban energy/climate model (SUECM) forced by ERA5 data
Afshari, Afshin
Journal Article
2023 Statistical downscaling of SEVIRI land surface temperature to WRF near-surface air temperature using a deep learning model
Afshari, Afshin; Vogel, Julian; Chockalingam, Ganesh
Journal Article
2023 Vibroakustische Metamaterialien. Metamaterialien zur Beeinflussung der Vibroakustik mittels Resonatoreffekt
Atzrodt, Heiko; Manushyna, Daria; Rieß, Sebastian; Hülsebrock, Moritz; Troge, Jan; Lühring, Andreas; Brandstätt, Peter; Rohlfing, Jens; Troll, Agostino; Fischer, Georg; Küller, Jan; Beer, Daniel
Journal Article
2023 Herausforderungen der personalisierten Produktion
Bauernhansl, Thomas; Groß, Erwin; Mais, Franziska; Schrader, Peter; Briem, Ann-Kathrin; Dangelmaier, Manfred; Hildebrandt, Nadja; Krieg, Sabine; Ulmer, Janina
Journal Article
2023 Analysis of the microclimatic and biodiversity-enhancing functions of a living wall prototype for more-than-human conviviality in cities
Bornschlegl, Sebastian; Krause, Pia; Kropp, Cordula; Leistner, Philip
Journal Article
2023 Ökobilanzierung adaptiver Hüllen und Strukturen
Borschewski, David; Albrecht, Stefan; Bischoff, Manfred; Blandini, Lucio; Bosch, Matthias; Dazer, Martin; Efinger, Dshamil Daniel; Eisenbarth, Christina; Haase, Walter; Kreimeyer, Matthias; Leistner, Philip; Nitzlader, Markus; Roth, Daniel; Sawodny, Oliver; Adel, Friederike van den; Voigt, Michael; Weber, Simon
Journal Article
2023 Why are adaptive facades not widely used in practice? Identifying ecological and economical benefits with life cycle assessment
Borschewski, David; Voigt, Michael P.; Albrecht, Stefan; Roth, Daniel; Kreimeyer, Matthias; Leistner, Philip
Journal Article
2023 Insights into circular material and waste flows from c-Si PV industry
Brailovsky Signoret, Peter Henri; Baumann, Kerstin; Held, Michael; Briem, Ann-Kathrin; Wambach, Karsten; Gervais, Estelle; Herceg, Sina; Mertvoy, Boris; Nold, Sebastian; Rentsch, Jochen
Journal Article
2023 Akustische Metamaterialien für die Anwendung als Schalldämpfer
Brandstätt, Peter; Rohlfing, Jens; Troll, Agostino
Journal Article
2023 Analysis of thermal transmittance, air permeability, and hygrothermal behavior of a solid timber building envelope
Bucklin, Oliver; Müller, Theresa; Amtsberg, Felix; Leistner, Philip; Menges, Achim
Journal Article
2023 Characterization of Non-Neutral Urban Canopy Wind Profile Using CFD Simulations - A Data-Driven Approach
Chockalingam, Ganesh; Afshari, Afshin; Vogel, Julian
Journal Article
2023 Addressing sustainable development goals in life cycle sustainable assessment: Synergies, challenges and needs
Cordella, Mauro; Horn, Rafael; Hong, Sun Hea; Bianchi, Marco; Isasa, Marina; Harmens, Rosan; Sonderegger, Thomas; Pihkola, Hanna
Journal Article
2023 Sustainable Pultruded Sandwich Profiles with Mycelium Core
Früchtl, Marion; Senz, Andreas; Sydow, Steffen; Frank, Jonas Benjamin; Hohmann, Andrea; Albrecht, Stefan; Fischer, Matthias; Holland, Maximilian; Wilhelm, Frederik; Christ, Henrik-Alexander
Journal Article
2023 Current trends in aerogel use in heritage buildings: Case studies from the Aerogel Architecture Award 2021
Ganobjak, Michal; Brunner, Samuel; Hofmann, Jörg; Klar, Verena; Ledermann, Michael; Herzog, Volker; Kämpfen, Beat; Kilian, Ralf; Wehdorn, Manfred; Wernery, Jannis
Journal Article
2023 Effects of increased recirculation air rate and aircraft cabin occupancy on passengers’ health and well-being - Results from a randomized controlled trial
Herbig, Britta; Norrefeldt, Victor; Mayer, Florian; Reichherzer, Anna; Lei, Fang; Wargocki, Pawel
Journal Article
2023 Mikrobielles Leben auf Fassaden
Hofbauer, Wolfgang Karl; Gärtner, Georg
2023 LCZ method is more effective than traditional LUCC method in interpreting the relationship between urban landscape and atmospheric particles
Jiang, Ruiyuan; Xie, Changkun; Man, Zihao; Afshari, Afshin; Che, Shengquan
Journal Article
2023 Correction: Investigation of the deterioration mechanisms induced by moisture and soluble salts in the necropolis of Porta Nocera, Pompeii (Italy)
Kilian, Ralf; Borgatta, Léo; Wendler, Eberhard
Journal Article
2023 Investigation of the deterioration mechanisms induced by moisture and soluble salts in the necropolis of Porta Nocera, Pompeii (Italy)
Kilian, Ralf; Borgatta, Léo; Wendler, Eberhard
Journal Article
2023 Review of Methods to Create Meteorological Data Suitable for Moisture Control Design by Hygrothermal Building Envelope Simulation
Kim, Sughwan; Zirkelbach, Daniel; Künzel, Hartwig
Journal Article
2023 Making use of climate information for sustainable preservation of cultural heritage: applications to the KERES project
Kotova, Lola; Leissner, Johanna; Winkler, Matthias; Kilian, Ralf; Bichlmair, Stefan; Antretter, Florian; Moßgraber, Jürgen; Reuter, Jürgen; Hellmund, Tobias; Matheja, Katharina; Rohde, Michael; Mikolajewicz, Uwe
Journal Article
2023 Resilience of biocide-free ETICS to microbiological growth in an accelerated weathering test
Krueger, Nicole; Hofbauer, Wolfgang Karl; Thiel, André; Ilvonen, Outi
Journal Article
2023 Entwicklung verschiedener Baumaterialien auf der Basis der Paludikultur Rohrkolben
Krus, Martin; Theuerkorn, W.; Großkinsky, Theo; Kraft, R.
Journal Article
2023 Selection of building and finishing materials
Künzel, Hartwig; Zegowitz, Andreas
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2023 The Development of Energy-Efficient and Sustainable Buildings: A Case Study in Vietnam
Le, Thi Song; Zegowitz, Andreas; Le, Cao Chien; Künzel, Hartwig; Schwede, Dirk; Luu, Thi Hong; Le, Trung Thanh; Nguyen, Thi Tam
Journal Article
2023 Combining membrane and zero brine technologies in waste acid treatment for a circular economy in the hot-dip galvanizing industry: A life cycle perspective
Lorenz, Manuel; Seitfudem, Georg; Randazzo, Serena; Gueccia, Rosa; Gehring, Florian; Prenzel, Tobias Manuel
Journal Article
2023 Coupling of a zonal air and temperature distribution model with an low pressure environmental control system ducting model
Matheis, Christina; Korth, P.; Norrefeldt, Victor; Lindner, Andreas; Urzua-Reichl, K.; Munoz-Sanchez, M.
Journal Article
2023 Heat and species map prediction for the generic MEA using an air node model derived from high level requirements
Matheis, Christina; Norrefeldt, Victor
Journal Article
2023 Neudefinition und Messung der Grenzschichtdicke an einer angeströmten Fläche - Ermittlung thermodynamischer und aerodynamischer Größen hieraus
Mayer, Erhard; Norrefeldt, Victor
Journal Article
2023 Assessing the suitability of local earth resources for use in clay barriers to protect historic masonry in Pompeii
Michette, Martin; Breuninger, Tamara; Kilian, Ralf; Nickmann, Marion; Thuro, Kurosch; Ziegert, Christof
Journal Article
2023 Design hygrothermally functional wooden insulation systems: A parametric study for mixed climate
Mosha Zhao; Künzel, Hartwig; Mehra, Schew-Ram
Journal Article
2023 Assessment of thermally activated inner building components or a high temperature stone storage system to utilize surplus renewable electrical energy
Pazold, Matthias; Hanen, F.; Sirtl, F; Radon, Jan; Antretter, Florian; Kersken, Matthias; Sinnesbichler, Herbert
Journal Article
2023 Development and verification of novel building integrated thermal storage system models
Pazold, Matthias; Radon, Jan; Kersken, Matthias; Künzel, Hartwig; Antretter, Florian; Sinnesbichler, Herbert
Journal Article
2023 Single-number values versus subjective judgment of airborne sound insulation in dwellings
Rauscher, Thomas; Neubauer, Reinhard O.; Zaglauer, Maria; Leistner, Philip
Journal Article
2023 Psychoakustische Analyse der Schallausbreitung für die Lärmkartierung
Schaal, Jochen; Öhler, Sven; Goecke, David
Journal Article
2023 Application of slags for the production of resource‐efficient paving stones
Shamshafshejani, Taban; Dittrich, Sebastian
Journal Article
2023 Shrinkage behavior of autoclaved aerated concrete containing calcined diatomaceous earth as the main silica raw materials at various autoclaving temperatures
Shamshafshejani, Taban; Schober, Georg; Seifert, Severin
Journal Article
2023 Spoken sentence complexity and grammar use in children with CIs
Socher, Michaela; Ingo, Elisabeth
Journal Article
2023 Sequentially coupling LBNL-method and Modelica to model and operate adaptive facades with inhomogeneous printing patterns
Weber, Simon Oskar; Fang, Yuan; Park, Sumee; Leistner, Philip
Journal Article
2023 Mass Personalization - Strategischer Einsatz und Trends
Wolperdinger, Markus; Mais, Franziska; Groß, Erwin; Schrader, Peter; Gramberg, Till; Nebauer, Stephan; Briem, Ann-Kathrin; Dangelmaier, Manfred; Hildebrandt, Nadja; Krieg, Sabine; Storz, Axel; Ulmer, Janina Theresa
Journal Article
2023 Classification and simplified design rules concerning the moisture performance of capillary active insulation materials
Zirkelbach, Daniel; Tanaka, Eri; Schöner, Tobias
Journal Article
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